Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Evil Twin Brother-Thomas Dolby

I suppose I owe you an apology. It's been ages since I've updated here. I'd like to report that on April 6th, I saw Thomas Dolby in concert in Minneapolis, MN at the Cedar Cultural Center. Unfortunately, I didn't get the chance to meet him, but it was still an amazing night that I will not soon forget.

I will get around to posting proper photos I took, but right now I would like to post for you a photomanip I just finished.

It's from the wonderful song "Evil Twin Brother" from the 2011 album "A Map of the Floating City".

I am pretty happy with it. I'm not 100 percent about the text so I might mess with that some more, but I like it. In my original vision for this (it came to me at work, while I was sitting there at the cash register, bored out of my wits) I had wanted to include the color red, but I like it the way it is with the simplicity of just black and white. Plus, if you've seen my other art you know my affinity for using a lot of bright colors, so it's a nice change, and a challenge, to work with fewer colors.