Sunday, October 16, 2011

My Brain is Like a Sieve.

It really is. I was going to try to shoot for a post a week, but my musical obsessions have been running alllll over the place lately. I was wrestling between Duran Duran and Def Leppard for a while, then between Thomas Dolby and Duran Duran, and right now... Duran Duran is winning.
I will still be updating this blog as I see fit (because I am still very inspired by Mr. Dolby's work), but it's making me want to start one of these for Duran Duran.

I don't know. I'll think about it. I'm leaning towards going ahead and starting one, but that's just what I need. Another blog nobody will read. XD

Anyway, for Halloween, I've become taken with painting pumpkins, because it's far less messy, and the pumpkins last a lot longer. I bought a ghost pumpkin this year and decided to paint it. It's a lot of fun. Actually, I am considering buying another one because they're so much fun to paint.

For this pumpkin, I borrowed a lyric from "My Brain is Like a Sieve", a funky little number on the album "Aliens ate my Buick".

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